Brands - Vive La Difference
Vive La Difference
Beating new paths in accomplishing our work is the basis of our journey. Working closely with small workshops, with the artisans of Italian leatherwork, has opened our eyes to a new world: one not driven by automation but by skilled and competent hands...
The difference is within all of us...
Never identical
Never boring
Never predictable...
強調細緻的手工染色技法,來自義大利的品牌 - Vive La Difference,有如其名,就是要講求其每一件商品的獨特性。因為每一件皮革製品,無論是皮包或是皮衣,都是以手工染色來製作的,因此,每一件商品都不盡相同,這就是其皮件所呈現的獨有識別特色!特選超柔軟的牛皮革或羊皮革來製造皮包或皮衣,並以苯染手工技術來製作皮件,其皮件還帶有一絲淡淡清香與仿舊的特色,手感更是細緻輕柔,Vive La Difference的皮件也會因為使用者的佩戴習慣,賦予皮件使用後的歲月痕跡,更讓人愛不釋手!