Brands - Reinhard plank

Reinhard plank


It all began in vienna, where reinhard plank studied industrial design and started investigating the relationship between humans and objects and how people interact with each other. He now works from his atelier near florence, surrounded by nature and his team. His creations show how individuals deal with the notion of personal space, either protecting it or challenging it to attract attention.

Observation, experimentation and lightness remain key elements at the core of each and every reinhard plank creation.

於義大利Bolzano誕生的Reinhard plank, 先是在2003年時在維也納開始其製帽的生涯,並在2005年回到義大利,選擇在被自然包圍的佛羅倫斯附近設立工作室,以傳統製帽的工法將自然與藝術結合,創造出一系列令人讚嘆的帽款!

Reinhard plank的設計大膽又極具創意,然而其在細節的處理上依舊細膩而流暢,令每一件作品都宛如藝術品般具有個人的風格與特色,更使配戴的人得以體現出獨一無二的自我。

此外,Reinhard plank也注重手工製作的溫度與精神,在這個快時尚當道的時代,設計師卻選擇以手工鑄模與加工,讓他天馬行空的創意隨著時間逐漸沉澱,打造出超越性別與年齡的優雅設計!