Brands - Exquisite J
Exquisite J
The Exquisite J collection was born in 1993 due to the fortunate meeting of Giancarlo Ferrari a graduate artist at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and Francesco Bonamano graduate architect at the Politecnico in Milano.
During the past years Giancarlo and Francesco have cultivated several stylish experiences for whatever concern the “world” of clothing and accessories working for many international brands and prestigious theatre productions. Moreover, the two designers also had the opportunity to work with talented artisans and craftsmen all over Italy. This is the reason why they decided to’ “bring out” the “art” of whatever is “hand made” and “hand crafted”.
All the ideas are born in their studio in Milano where they experiment various techniques and procedures such as painting, dying, embroidering and many others. The contemporary style of the collection is focused on the utilization of natural soft and charming materials. The smart combination between the creativity of the designers and their skilled artisans blooms into a fantastic world of desirable accessories. Everything is entirely made in Italy.
1993年,藝術家Giancarlo Ferrari與建築師Francesco Bonamano攜手合作,為許多國際品牌及著名劇院提供服裝與配飾方面的協助,並在1998年創立了Exquisite J,這個以精緻細膩為名的時尚品牌。
在米蘭的工作室中,Exquisite J得以和有著精湛技藝的工匠們合作,將手工製品的藝術性與創造力融入作品中,並嘗試著將繪畫、染色與刺繡等工法,運用於自然而美麗的天然素材上,綻放出一個充滿想像力與無限搭配可能的夢幻世界。