Brands - Campomaggi


Campomaggi was created in 2000 by Italian designer Marco Campomaggi.

Campomaggi is the scent of leather, absolute protagonist of each collection, it is the ability of working hands, it is the old and noble art of craftsmanship.

Driven by the idea of creating bags and accessories that mirror his philosophy, Marco Campomaggi thinks, dreams and designs collections which combine the ancient art of treating leather with creativity, precision and painstaking care in craftsmanship.

Each Campomaggi bag tells a story. Accuracy, care, attention and dedication are fundamental ingredients when creating the first prototype of each new model: a very delicate phase, the first step in transforming an idea into something tangible.

針對就愛復古,就愛反骨的男士,OBEIOBEI自2008年即獨家引進來自義大利的皮件品牌- CAMPOMAGGI的男士手工包系列商品,此系列商品是由義大利創意總監Mr. Campomaggi所執行開發的一系列獨特手工染製皮件。

在義大利的美麗古城 - 以Toscany專業師傅的高超手染技術皮革來製作一系列男女用包款。除了簡單又好看的設計之外,每一款皮件都是由精選皮革經裁切之後,再進行多道手染處理程序而完成復古柔軟,色澤與手感極佳的仿舊皮革而製成的。所有流程耗費多時,可見其製作程序之繁複與嚴謹。在手工染色程序中,每件皮革也因此而擁有其不同的色澤,痕跡與紋路,這也是造成此一系列的皮包每一件都有其獨特性的原因。

Neo Vintage 新復古精神,是創意總監 Mr. Campomaggi想呈現的另外一大特色-氧化的細節以及仿古的質感呈現在金屬配件以及皮料上,能完全展現出個性化的懷舊風情。全手工處理仿舊復古高級皮質,每一處皺折、紋路與痕跡都代表著這件手工包的獨有特色,復古風格與精緻品味獨具呈現!